
17 Astonishing AMP Email Examples to Boost Engagement

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AMP has opened a new world of interactivity for email marketers. From NPS surveys to gamification, there are endless possibilities of what can be achieved using AMP for email.

Users can easily fill out a form, book a meeting, or even calculate their insurance premium, all within the email. Such functionality reduces redirects and compels users to engage, and generates more conversions.

So, we have put together this guide of 17 incredible AMP email examples you can use for your next email campaign. Let’s dive in!

Table of contents

1. Calculate Net Promoter Score (NPS)

You can measure user satisfaction with your product/services or brand by sending them a Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey with AMP emails. Users can fill out the form in the email without any redirect, thus increasing the submission rate.

Razorpay, full-stack financial solutions, got a 257% increase in NPS survey emails with Mailmodo.

We saw a massive 250% increase in responses to our NPS survey emails. Our merchants loved the email as it enabled them to share their thoughts with us without even getting redirected once.

Subhash Dash, Growth Marketing, Razorpay

Filling Net Promotor Score (NPS) AMP survey in email

2. Feedback forms

There are a variety of feedback forms you can send using AMP emails. Some of the most widely used are:

Post-event feedback form

Ask for users’ views and thoughts after they have attended a live event, webinar, or workshop. You can learn new insights on improving future events and get to retain your customers via constant communications.

Filling out post-event feedback AMP from in the email

Product feedback form

You can send out product/service feedback forms to collect users’ feedback with AMP emails. You can include all the relevant questions and ask users to answer them. And since the survey can be filled in via email, users will want to finish the survey immediately, giving your higher response rate.

Filling out product feedback AMP form in the email

3. Demo bookings

One of the most interesting examples of AMP email is booking a demo within the email. You’ll need integration with APIs like Calendly to allow users to choose the date and timing for their demo. AMP email bookings are an interesting way to get more people to book demos, thus giving you more leads.

Hob space, the world's #1 chess curriculum for kids, got 20% more demo signup using Mailmodo’s demo booking email.

Mailmodo decreased the friction in the demo bookings and allowed us to integrate all the data with internal systems, making the experience smooth both for our customers and our internal teams.

Priya Goel, Co-founder, HobSpace

Booking a demo within email using AMP emails

Related guide: How to Book More Meetings with Mailmodo?

4. Webinar registration

Online webinars and events are an effective way to engage with subscribers and build brand awareness. Using AMP email, you can get more registration as it eliminates the need for any redirects or landing pages.

With Mailmodo, you can create an interactive webinar registration form with an easy no-code email editor.

Mudrex, an automated crypto asset management platform, got a 280% increase in their webinar signup using Mailmodo’s event registration email. AMP emails reduce the registration process's red tape, allowing more users to sign up.

Registering for a webinar through AMP emails

5. Loan application

For the fintech industry, AMP email can be beneficial. It allows users to complete their loan applications via email. You can get information such as name, loan amount, occupation, or family details. Since everything is happening in one place, users tend to feel at ease and submit their responses.

Filling out a loan application using AMP email

6. Book classes for online educational platforms

Converting qualified email leads into attendees has been challenging for Edtech brands. But, with AMP emails, they can market in users' inboxes and allow them to book demos right away.

Email template for booking a class using AMP

7. Including games within the email

Including games mechanics in the non-gaming sphere, such as email, is known as gamification. And in recent years, gamification has put email to another level. Rather than simply giving users a coupon code, you can develop all sorts of games to ask users to play games such as quizzes and scavenger hunts and unlock the reward at the end.

Let’s discuss different gamification examples you can include using AMP emails:


Quizzes in email can create an interactive email experience by engaging users to answer different questions. You can include rewards when users successfully answer all the questions to keep their excitement level intact.

Playing a quiz within email

Word games

You can easily include word games such as Wordle in email. It allows users to play games in the email rather than going to the website, typing the keyword, and waiting for the page to load to play.

Why put users through all this struggle when you can easily include wordle in email? Mailmodo has recently launched Wordle Mail to give its subscribers an immersing gaming experience within the email.

Offer coupons via Spin the Wheel

Spin the Wheel has been a part of our childhood - getting exciting rewards whenever the wheel stops. Well, you can bring that fun and excitement in email with AMP emails.

You can configure spin the wheel in many ways - including coupon codes, discounts, or other goodies. Such games create curiosity and keep users engaged.

Playing Spin the Wheel in email

Related guide: How to Use Email Gamification to Boost Your Email Marketing Campaigns

8. Calculate insurance premium using Calculators

With AMP emails, you can add calculators for your users within email - loan premium calculators, pricing calculators, cart checks out, dynamic catalogs, flight trackers, and stock prices. We also use API to add your existing website elements inside emails.

Calculating insurance premiums using the calculator in the email

9. Sell more with abandoned carts

Users abandon their cart due to low budget, or maybe they’ve just changed their minds. Whatever the reason is, recovering cart abandonment is crucial as you can generate huge revenue from it.

With AMP emails, you can send abandoned cart emails and allow users to complete the transaction within the email. But remember, users can’t make payments within the email unless they choose to pay on delivery. They need to be redirected if they choose to pay online.

10. Include real-time response using polls

Polls are a great way to engage users across social platforms to get which UX looks much better or which team will win IPL 2022. Everyone loves polls, and your subscriber will get too.

With AMP email, you can include interactive polls asking users different questions and showing them real-time data of total responses. The data from polls can even help you create user segments and send highly personalized emails.

Try amp-carousel if you want to showcase your product from a different angle or show a new product line. With carousels, you can create a slideshow and allow users to scroll to view the next image.

Representation of image carousel in an AMP email

Source: Dotdigital

12. Expand and show more with accordions

You can use amp-accordions to say a lot but keep your emails less cluttered. Accordion creates a dropdown menu in the email, and users can click and see the expanded version of the header.

For instance, you can add FAQs and out questions as header, and when users click on the dropdown, they get to view the answer.

GIF showing working of accordions in AMP emails

13. Opt-in confirmation within the email

Confirming the user's email address is crucial for your business to comply with laws and ensure the user’s privacy.

Related guide: What Is Double Opt-In and Why You Should Use It

With AMP emails, you can easily allow users to confirm their email address within the email without asking them to go to a browser and then confirm.

GIF showing opt-in confirmation within the email

Source: Stripo

14. Lead generation

This example shows an email that works as a substitute for a website form page to generate sales leads for Service at Home businesses. Since the pandemic started, old and new businesses have hedged their bets on a door-to-door service model.

One of the hardest challenges in this category is gaining visibility and getting users to try the product. Companies generate leads to their sales funnel through cold emails more productively than AMP emails. These emails are very useful for users on mobile because it often requires switching an app to view the same form on a website.

Email template for generating leads through AMP email

Wrap up

AMP emails have so much potential you can leverage to improve your email performance, keep subscribers engaged and generate more revenue. The functionality to interact with the email, fill out forms, play games, and book meetings are really changing the users' email experience. We can confidently say that AMP for email is the future of email marketing, and without it, you might be missing a lot.

There is so much more you can add in email using AMP. You can read our AMP emails use cases guide to exploring the possibilities of AMP emails.

What you should do next

Hey there, thanks for reading till the end. Here are 3 ways we can help you grow your business:

  1. Talk to an email expert. Need someone to take your email marketing to the next level? Mailmodo’s experts are here for you. Schedule a 30-minute email consultation. Don’t worry, it’s on the house. Book a meet here.

  2. Send emails that bring higher conversions. Mailmodo is an ESP that helps you to create and send app-like interactive emails with forms, carts, calendars, games, and other widgets for higher conversions. Sign up now and send 10k free emails/month. Sign up here.

  3. Get smarter with our email resources. Explore all our knowledge base here and learn about email marketing, marketing strategies, best practices, growth hacks, case studies, templates, and more. Access guides here.

Bring life to your emails

Convert your emails into experiences
with interactive AMP elements